cuti yang sangaaattt lame...tapi sangattt seronok..:)
last wed,balik umah ibu...sbb thursday tuh nak ke kajang,
bawak bu n bah gi sepital...
everything's fine...sangat seronok spent time there...
wednesday tuh bah belanja buke pose kat chop n steak kg baru....jpg)
yeaa..sgt seronok a bit spoil lar sbb bebudak buat hal dan sayerrr sangat penat!!
chayang bu n bah!!muahhhckkksss!!
lepas balik dr sepital gi imbi plaza jap...
guess wat??
bah belanja ram utk notebook...512 so all together jadik lar 7++ ram...dah laju notebook ku itew..huarrr ahhhahaha
thanks abah!!!muahhhsss *wink*
then struggling utk last 2 paper...statistic is still ok fer me,tp bile tang accounting tuh...adeiiii
letih betuii mebi sbb spirit nak raye tuh laagi kuat kot..
hmm watever lar..hopefully everything goes rite and cgpa at least naik lerrr jangan jatuh!!
abis jer exam,balek umah n sambung jahit beads...
(even mate ngantukss cos titon kul 3.30 pg,tp gagahkan jua lar...)
kul 6 gerak umah kakak..
sangat best okayy umah ngko!!!harusss beli!!
dan mereka mengadakan surprise party...(party ke?)in advance for my birthday....
terima kasih!!!:)
dpaat jumpe Dia, sporting sangat!!
thanks for the pics, heheh layankan aje ler kerenah ibu tuh eh...:)
yang penting this weekend da nak rayeeee
raye raye raye...selamat hari raye!!!!
owhh...penjelasan utk my lost of temper kt chop n steak tuh eh...
saye pon bukan ske sgt nak marah anak2 dpn strangers,tp kalau da ilang saba..nak2 tgh bulan pose dan saye tgh tak leh pose tp lapar kene la marah..kalau anak2 saye tuh senyap aje duk kt meja mcm qis, bleh la accept...ini terkejau sane kejau sini..kat kedai makan plak tuh...
niway..i owez want the best for my let me do watever i think is good for them ok!!
(i'll try to control my temper next time..:))
ni lar 2 org budak yg slalu buat saye lost temper...
tgk mcm qis sgt baikk ok!!duduk aje kt meja n makan...