We went to Langat...naik kebun,sangatt seronok....jpg)
this is the view of our 'pondok' at kebun..:)
it's actually my ' in-law's kebun...sekarang kan musim buah...tuh yg seronok sgt balik Langat...Danny n Dna pon mmg sangat suke makan buah...
yummy!!bestnyerr buah-buahan tuh...and guess wat??these rambutans...i pick it myself smp penuh satu ambung...but of course la my chubby hubby yg jolok..heheh i mane reti nk panjat pokok eh???
and when we arrived to eiman's house, my 'mak nenek' got a swimming suit from her grandma...thanks nenek...:)
suwittt sangattt kaler oren lagi!!