~My Precious Readers~Korang pas follow, tlg tinggalkan jejak ye..i'll follow back...thanks!!

Monday, July 30, 2007

29 July 2007

We went to Langat...naik kebun,sangatt seronok...
this is the view of our 'pondok' at kebun..:)
it's actually my ' in-law's kebun...sekarang kan musim buah...tuh yg seronok sgt balik Langat...Danny n Dna pon mmg sangat suke makan buah...

yummy!!bestnyerr buah-buahan tuh...and guess wat??these rambutans...i pick it myself smp penuh satu ambung...but of course la my chubby hubby yg jolok..heheh i mane reti nk panjat pokok eh???

and when we arrived to eiman's house, my 'mak nenek' got a swimming suit from her grandma...thanks nenek...:)

suwittt sangattt kaler oren lagi!!

28 July 2007

2nd part IEEP 2007 Kulliyyah Of Engineering...
Family Day for Kulliyyah Of Engineering :)

mmg best gile dat day..door gift jer dah macam2...payung,kipas tangan,lunch box ... and yg best nye lg coz kitorg dpt 2 for each goft sbb my chubby hubby pon working at de same place..heheheh

Danny involved in coloring contest...then for family programe, kitorg masuk water in the bottle...1st prize lg...

ni laa gift yg kitorg menang for water in the bottle...:P

i got a mixer for lucky draw....mcm nk suh buat kuih selalu jerkk???hehehe

three times in a row dpt lucky draw...i am lucky..am i??

Friday, July 27, 2007

~WhicH BritNey Am i??~

This Is SomethinG froM tiCklE

Wow, you are
The Mouseketeer!
We're not going to come right out and call you a goody-goody, but, well, you're kind of a goody-goody. Even if you aren't completely fresh-faced and innocent, you sure can act the part. With your thousand-watt smile and your upbeat attitude, you usually don't have a problem making friends and keeping them around. If you have a naughty side, you sure do hide it well.

27 JulY 2007

went to wawa's house yesterday...
they're actually a newly wed couple so..dat was de first time we went to their house...
seronok lah juger...dah lame tak lepak reramai mcm tuh...
riuh umah tuh jadik nyer..:)

'ibu...kite nk pegi mane ibu?rumah org kawen ke?'
he'll always try to found out where we're going....who we're going to meet...and averything...sampai...yg nih pon die tanye..
'rumah kawan ibu tuh die ade anak ke?'..
survey line ler tuh...senang nk main power rangers die..ngan pedang yg amat panjang tuh
macam2 kalau danny sorang...

dna plak dr umah dah posing mcm2 bagai...
sbb baju tuh pki only once,mase raya ari tuh kan...so she's so excited to wear it again...
~I lurVe bOth of Them So muCh,lIke no one CoulD eveR dO!!~

Thursday, July 26, 2007

~mY fIRst EntrY~

hmm...first and foremost, ape nk bebelkan dlm blog nih ek??I'm kinda lack of idea here...sbb bukak nu blog nih pon atas usaha kakak aku c XoXo yg senantiaseeee menyuruh aku membukak nye...

XoXo eh...wat's de meaning...wat's de meaning... :P

okay..let's start...

yesterday after work..pegi GIANT...sbb c Danny dah tak sabar2 lagi nk bli coloring book...he's been waiting for my 'gaji day' for quite a long time...theehehehe

'ibu..ibu dah belanje ke ibu??lambatnye ibu belanje...

'belanje = gaji' i dunno from where did he get dat context ..(mcm2 lar abang nih...)

i think i bought nothing for dna, coz she didn't ask for anything...she's always like that.. soooo...easy lor..heheheh

and this morning, dna jatuh plak kt longkang..sbb sebok ngat nk try lompat longkang tu...

ciannn baby dna..nangis tersedu-sedu...

looks like she's becoming more and more sensitive lately...ntah pesal la..

and dis...is the pic of them both..

the 2 kids that i lurve so damn much!!

~AbduL hAdi DaniAl n Nur AddIna DaniA~