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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

~welcome 2009~

happy nu year to all...

moga2 the year 2009 will bring so much joy and happiness to all of us...

so...nu year's resolution saye??
1- to be a good wife and mom..better than i am now...
2-datang keje awal2 tiap2 ari...tak seperti skang...:P
3-generate more money...wah wahh tu yg tak ley tahan tuh...
4-blaja lebih tekun, so dat i can grad on time..tak mo delay2...
5-lupuskan sgale virus M dalam badan...*ngehh*
7-happy-happy salu?..lalalalaaa

so dat, tu laaaa dahulu yg dapat saye pikirkan stakat ini...
yang penting? hidup, mesti ENJOYYYY :D